2 posts categorized "Red Light Cameras"

August 02, 2011

Red Light Cameras No More in Los Angeles! Warning...

No red light cameras

    Great news! The Red Light Cameras ceased being in operation in Los Angeles as of July 31, 2011.  However, heed the following announcement from the Los Angeles Superior Court Website:

The City of Los Angeles has decided to end its red light camera program on July 31, 2011. The City's action does not stop the processing of outstanding red-light citations. It does not eliminate penalties associated with red-light citations. It does not constitute grounds for a refund of any money paid on such a citation. Anyone issued a red-light citation must resolve it within the specified time limits or face certain penalties as prescribed by law.

In other words, if you received a red light ticket on or before July 31, 2011 you still need to pay it or fight it!!


August 04, 2010

Red Light Camera Ticket? You Can Fight It!!!

Red light camera Wow, have you ever run a red light and then see that red light camera flash bulb go off?  Then, just as expected, that nasty ticket came in the mail?  You knew you were a goner, right?  Well, maybe not! A California Appeals Court recently came down with a decision in The People v. Tarek Khaled which rendered the photographs inadmissible as hearsay and, on that basis, overturned a the conviction for running a red light based on the red light photo!

The ruling, in part, reads as follows: "To be more specific, the photographs contain hearsay evidence concerning the matters depicted in the photographs including the date, time, and other information."  Here are some relevant bullet points:

  • Person who entered relevant info into camera-computer system did not testify
  • Person who entered that information was not subject to cross-examination
  • Person(s) who maintain the system did not testify
  • No one with personal knowledge testified about how often system is maintained or how often date and time are verified or corrected
  • Custodian of records for company that contracts with city to maintain, monitor, store, and disperse the photographs did not testify
  • Person with direct knowledge of workings of the camera did not testify
  • The person who did testify, Santa Ana Police Officer Alan Berg, had attended a training session in the distant past about the overall workings of the system.  He could not testify about specific procedure for programming and storage of system information

Bottom line: All is not lost!!!  Hire yourself an attorney experienced in red light camera tickets.

Here are some interesting and useful red light camera links:

Photo Enforced Camera Database: Intersections, Locations and Fines throughout U.S.

Los Angeles Police Department Photo Red Light FAQ's

Fighting Red Light Camera Tickets: HighwayRobbery.net

National Motorists Association: All Kinds of Interesting Links about Red Light Cameras

My Past Traffic Ticket Postings: Some very interesting articles

Hey, I'm not advocating that you run red lights.  Obviously it's always safety first. 

Questions? Concerns?

If You, Or Someone You Know, Was In an Accident

Call For Your Free Consultation

Please Contact Attorney Lowell Steiger Immediately at

              (323) 852-1100       or (877) 487-8221

[email protected]

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