2 posts categorized "Metrolink Tragedy"

September 14, 2008

Metrolink Tragedy: Engineer Rob Sanchez Text Messaging, I'm Outraged

Avoidtextingwhiledriving Friends, I am completely saddened and outraged by the alleged text messaging by deceased Metrolink engineer Rob Sanchez moments before the crash.  As you know, I have previously railed against text messaging while driving a car.  The facts, of course, are not all in for the Metrolink Tragedy.  If, however, it is true that Rob Sanchez was texting while driving a train with over 200 passengers on board, he was acting at the height of irresponsibility.  Now you may think that I'm being overly harsh since Mr. Sanchez also paid with his own life.  I know in my heart that he bore no malice toward his passengers.  I know in my heart that if he were alive and could turn back the hands of time he would do so.  My heart goes out to Mr. Sanchez and his family and friends.  But that lapse of judgment has cost the lives of, at this point, 25 people and affected the lives of the survivors, the injured survivors, all families and friends. Bottom line, DON'T TEXT WHILE DRIVING.

Update: 2009 Law Bans Text Messaging while Driving - See Video

Here are links to my past text messaging posts:

Texting While Driving: Graphic Horror Photos

Photo Album: Texting While Driving

Cell Phone Laws for 2008

New Cell Phone Laws for July 1, 2008: Watch The Video and Read the Text

Texting While Driving: Articles, Videos and Links

Hands Off Driving Law Is Ok'd for Drivers 16 and 17 Years Old

If you, or someone you know, has been affected by this tragedy, please call me immediately at (323) 852-1100 or send an e-mail to me at [email protected]

"Treated With the Respect That You Deserve"

September 13, 2008

Metrolink Crash, A Tragedy: 25 Dead, How You Can Help; Graphic Photos and Videos

Fires_metrolink_crash_001The tragic Metrolink Train Crash of September 12, 2008 will have lasting effects on the surviving victims and the family and friends of survivors and those not lucky enough to survive.  Injuries will range from broken bones to paralysis to burns to brain injuries to permanent physical and emotional and, for some, death.

Graphic Photos of Metrolink Tragedy


Red_cross_logo YOU CAN HELP

Contact the Red Cross at 800-RED-CROSS or visit www.redcross.org for other information about blood donation or ways you can help.


For the injured, it is too soon to determine the extent of their injuries.  Some may be lucky enough to heal quickly while others may not be spared a lifetime of pain, rehabilitation and disfigurement. 

Those affected by this tragedy, victims and family, should contact an attorney as soon as possible.  In spite of the admission of fault by Metrolink, this promises to be a very complicated matter that will go on for years.

Information and Resources:

  • A phone number has been established for the unification center at Chatsworth High School, where relatives can try to contact passengers who were aboard the derailed Metrolink train. Call 818-678-3422.
  • The City of Los Angeles has set up a phone line for anyone looking for relatives as well. The number: 213-847-2117.
  • People looking for information about relatives who may have been on the train can also call this Metrolink information line: 800-371-5465.
  • Northridge Hospital has set up a phone line for relatives calling to inquire on patients: 818-885-8500 x2714 or x5388.
  • You have undoubtedly heard, watched or read the news about this terrible tragedy.  I'm not going to repeat the details in this blog posting.  What I am going to do, though, is provide links to news articles, videos and photos.

    BBC News Video (BBC News)

    Metrolink: Engineer's Mistake Led to Deadly Train Crash in Chatsworth (Fox News)

    For One Crash Survivor: A Sense of Deja Vu (New York Times)

    Video Tribute to Deceased Metrolink Engineer: "I was very close to Rob Sanchez, the Metrolink engineer that tragically died in the crash when Metrolink train 111 hit a UP Freight train in Chatsworth, CA. God bless Rob. You will never be forgotten."

    Video Tribute to 3 Deceased Metrolink Victims: "This is A tribute to 3 very funny & cool engineers/conductor. God Bless them all. For them, please favorite, rate, and comment. At least they all died doing what they loved to do."

    Metrolink Says Engineer Failed to Stop: 24 Dead (Bloomberg.com)

    Families Wait for Any Word on Missing Train Riders (Associated Press)

    Graphic Photos of Metrolink Tragedy

    Metrolink Crash - Raw Video Footage (no audio) :

    If you, or someone you know, has been affected by this tragedy, please call me immediately at (323) 852-1100 or send an e-mail to me at [email protected]

    "Treated With the Respect That You Deserve"

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