Shame on Lance Armstrong - and he's got the lawsuits to prove it
Oprah Winfrey gave Lance Armstrong the opportunity to come clean about his doping past. He told Oprah that he was never afraid of getting caught and attributed his actions to a "ruthless desire to win."
Read the NPR article Lance Armstrong Admits to Using Performance-Enhancing Drugs
Do you care whether Lance Armstrong used performance enhancing drugs?
He cheated, he lied but, actually, I don’t care that he chose to destroy his body. I’m guessing that he wasn’t the only one doing it. So, as they say, caveat emptor.
What I DO care about is that he took people down, in a big way, in order to perpetuate his lies. He sued people, ruined people and lied under oath to keep the lie alive. He was a heartless bully whose need to keep it all going knew no bounds.
Natural News (.com) published an insightful article Lance Armstrong empire implodes under mountain of
lies, intimidation, doping and betrayal back in October 2012
This will cost him. He’s now the subject of two lawsuits and I’m sure there will be more.
SCA Promotions vs Lance Armstrong, et al
SCA Promotions is suing Armstrong for $12 Million. Read the New York Times article here. Here’s a nice highlight, sort of sums everything up:
Jeffrey Tillotson, a lawyer for SCA, said that Armstrong and his representatives were “confident and cocky” back then that Armstrong would never be stripped of his titles.
“They never thought this would happen,” he said. “It was like they were saying, ‘If you can find a unicorn and produce him, of course we will give you your money back.’ To them, losing those titles was unimaginable.”
Class Action: Readers Sue Lance Armstrong
The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Sacramento, said the plaintiffs "would not have purchased the books had they known the true facts concerning Armstrong's misconduct and his admitted involvement in a sports doping scandal."
"It's Not About the Bike: My Journey Back to Life" in 2000 and "Every Second Counts" in 2003 are the works in question.
Read the Los Angeles Times article here
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