1 posts categorized "Free Consultation"

February 08, 2013

Free Consultation With a California Personal Injury Lawyer

    Being injured in a serious accident or losing a loved one due to negligence is an unexpected event that shakes your foundation right out from under you. I'm here to help you get through this traumatic, life-changing event.

Fc legal rights
    Our first meeting is the first step in determining your legal rights.  You’ll have a lot of questions for me, I’ll have a lot of questions for you. 

    In order to make the most of our first meeting together, I’ll be asking you to bring some things with you.  I know that you may have all or none of what I request so don’t stress yourself.  Once I’m representing you, my office will be able to get whatever you don’t have.

    If you can e-mail or fax some these things in advance of our meeting, great!  If not, bring them with you


  • Fc insurance 001
  • Fc insurance 002
  • Fc medical bill 001
  • Fc medical bill 002
  • Fc paycheck 001
  • Fc scene 001
  • Fc witness 001
Fc witness 001

CAVIAT: it’s very likely that some of the things that I’m requesting may not yet be available!!!

  • Names, addresses, phone, e-mail of those involved in the accident and their insurance information (policy number; claim number)
  • Names, addresses, phone, e-mail of witnesses
  • Written statements by you, the other party and/or witnesses
  • Police reports
  • Pictures of accident scene, vehicles or objects involved
  • Pictures of your injuries
  • Evidence of the accident such as torn clothing, broken or damaged instruments or equipment
  • Medical and hospital reports
  • Medical bills
  • Repair estimates
  • Rental bills
  • Documentation of lost earnings (pay stubs; employer information)
  • Insurance policies or declarations pages

  LS 2012

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I'm here for you

(877) 487-8221 Toll Free

[email protected]


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