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February 06, 2009

What To Do If You're In A Car Accident

Things to Do If You're Involved in an Auto Accident



Then get the following information:

  1. Name, address and phone number of other driver(s) involved in the accident
  2. Driver's license number of other driver(s) involved in the accident
  3. Insurance information of other driver(s) involved in the accident, name of insurance company, policy number
  4. Registered owner information of other vehicles involved in the accident
  5. If any of the other drivers appears to be on the job for a company, get the name of that company
  6. Passengers in other vehicles? Get their names, addresses, phone numbers
  7. Actual location of accident (street, intersection, exact address, if possible)
  8. Witness information: Names, addresses, phone numbers
  9. Jot down basic information such as weather conditions, street condition, traffic (light, medium, heavy), time of day that accident happened
  10. Very Important: Do not speak to anyone other than your doctor(s) without the advice of an attorney.  In particular, DO NOT give a statement to any insurance company, recorded or not, without the advice of an attorney.

What if you don't have auto insurance?  Click here to read Uh Oh, Car Accident With No Liability Insurance: "But I'm Not At Fault"

Keep a camera in your car at all times (disposable, camera phone, digital camera, etc.) and take pictures of the cars (including damage, license plates), people, scene.Camera_phone


Some excellent links What To Do If You're In An Accident

MSN Money: Insure Your Car.  Important tips on basic auto insurance

State Bar of California. Links to 14 important questions such as "What Information Should I Get at the Scene" and "Do I Need Auto Insurance?" as well as a link to download an entire pamphlet on the subject.

Roadragers.com. Practical tips and advice from the site whose tagline is "when you just can't take it anymore."

If you, or someone you know, has been injured, please call me immediately at

(323) 852-1100 or send an e-mail to me at [email protected]

"Treated With the Respect That You Deserve"


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