Metrolink Tragedy: Engineer Rob Sanchez Text Messaging, I'm Outraged
Friends, I am completely saddened and outraged by the alleged text messaging by deceased Metrolink engineer Rob Sanchez moments before the crash. As you know, I have previously railed against text messaging while driving a car. The facts, of course, are not all in for the Metrolink Tragedy. If, however, it is true that Rob Sanchez was texting while driving a train with over 200 passengers on board, he was acting at the height of irresponsibility. Now you may think that I'm being overly harsh since Mr. Sanchez also paid with his own life. I know in my heart that he bore no malice toward his passengers. I know in my heart that if he were alive and could turn back the hands of time he would do so. My heart goes out to Mr. Sanchez and his family and friends. But that lapse of judgment has cost the lives of, at this point, 25 people and affected the lives of the survivors, the injured survivors, all families and friends. Bottom line, DON'T TEXT WHILE DRIVING.
Update: 2009 Law Bans Text Messaging while Driving - See Video
Here are links to my past text messaging posts:
Texting While Driving: Graphic Horror Photos
Photo Album: Texting While Driving
New Cell Phone Laws for July 1, 2008: Watch The Video and Read the Text
Texting While Driving: Articles, Videos and Links
Hands Off Driving Law Is Ok'd for Drivers 16 and 17 Years Old
If you, or someone you know, has been affected by this tragedy, please call me immediately at (323) 852-1100 or send an e-mail to me at [email protected] "Treated With the Respect That You Deserve"
Victims of metrolink train accident badly need a lawyer.
Posted by: metrolink train accident | February 16, 2011 at 09:23 PM