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March 20, 2008

Subprime Debacle: A Primer - Know Your Rights

SssubprimeThe Subprime Crisis is complex, frustrating and, most of all, enraging.  The 1000's upon 1000's of unsuspecting victims range from borrowers trying to get a home to major investors trying to make a legitimate return on their investment.  As it unfolds, the litigation against mortgage brokers, lenders, appraisers and everyone in the chain will increase exponentially. 

The Subprime Primer is a comical, yet sobering, series of cartoon frames that explains the etiology of the Subprime Crisis.  Beware, there are some four-letter expletives throughout but they enhance, rather than detract, from the subject matter.

How has the Subprime Crisis affected you? 

  • Foreclosure?
  • Skyrocketing mortgage payments?
  • Negative credit rating?
  • Misled by lenders?

Call or e-mail me to learn about your legal rights.  Maybe all is not yet lost...

Lowell Steiger, Attorney at Law (323) 852-1100

[email protected]


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