Saving Money on Auto Insurance
If you suffer from sticker shock every time you open up your auto insurance bill, then it's time to consider ways that may help reduce the cost. Quite simply, being a good driver is one way to pay less for insurance. Insurance companies generally look at the past three years of your driving history. A minor traffic infraction can potentially impact your rates. The type of car you drive also plays a role. If you're shopping for a new car, call your insurance agent and get an estimate of what your premium might be. If the car has a low risk of theft and has the latest safety gear, you may get a break. Other ways to save: Most companies offer multi-policy discounts if you have the same company carry more than one of your insurance policies; students may be eligible for "good student" discounts; and you can raise the deductible, which is your out-of-pocket expense on a claim. Produced for Allstate | <>>