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February 05, 2007

Auto Makers Offer Safety Systems For High-Risk Teen Drivers - The Auto Channel

New studies indicate numerous distractions like cell phones and vehicle passengers put teen drivers at greater risk for fatal car crashes. However, some auto manufacturers like Volvo Cars say they have developed numerous safety systems to help combat this statistic. To prevent drunk driving, the ‘multi lock system’ forces the driver to blow into a built-in breathalyzer before the car engine will start. In addition, a special ignition key limits the car’s speed to ensure further safety.

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» AAA Challenges States to Strengthen GDL Programs from The Auto Lovers Daily Chit - Chats
A recent study from the American Automobile Association (AAA), called the “Nationwide Review of Graduated Driver Licensing” shows that US states offering graduated driver licensing (GDL) systems with five out of seven components had significantly red... [Read More]


This year we can say that most of the drivers were teen and are prone to accidents while driving from one place to another. Automakers of cars especially volvo community were alarmed for the situation and did some enhancement with their vehicle to keep safe the teen drivers. A vehicles that equipped with volvo brake dust shields - http://www.swedishpartsshop.com/volvobrakedustshields.html - helps in keeping the brakes clean and safe components of the braking system that gives protection to the front wheels where the brake dusts are usually accumulated and keep teens quite far from accidents.

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