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December 21, 2006

Perils for Pedestrians Episode 114: Emergency Evacuations

Perils for Pedestrians is a monthly series promoting awareness of issues affecting the safety of people who walk and bicycle. Perils For Pedestrians appears on public access cable stations in many cities across the United States.

We interview pedestrian and bicycling advocates and government planners about problems such as missing sidewalks and crosswalks, dangerous intersections, speeding traffic, and obstacles to wheelchair users and people with disabilities; and solutions to such problems.

Contents of Episode #114 - Emergency Evacuations:

Pedestrians on 9-11, New York City

Pedestrians and the Blackout, Stamford, CT

Evacuation planning, Albany, NY

Evacuation Barriers Around Washington DC, Cabin John, MD

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I think this is a great initiative to raise the problems of the danders that pedestrians and cyclist are facing on the streets.

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